DT Nordic No. 3, 2015 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT Nordic No. 3, 2015

Τελευταίο τεύχος

DT Nordic No. 3, 2015

News / Study compares digital vs. conventional shade measurement / Interview with Dr Rickard Brånemark: “We need to stay open-minded to new crazy ideas” / FDI: Second edition of Oral Health Atlas / Celebrating 50 years of osseointegration / Dental material for the next generation / Nano-hybrid ORMOCER for the bulk-fill technique in the posterior region / Interview with University of Bern professor Dr Martin Schimmel: “Age per se is not a contra-indication” / Vertical reconstruction of soft peri-implant tissues / An unknown phototherapeutic tool / today Swedental Gothenburg /
