DT UK No. 23, 2011 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK No. 23, 2011

Τελευταίο τεύχος

DT UK No. 23, 2011

News / Don’t ask how I am... / Supporting the restoration of Japan’s health services; Interview with Ella Gudwin - Vice-President of AmeriCares / You’ve got to have a dream / Can you put a price on some peace of mind? / Do new NHS UK pension scheme rules signify end of associate incorporations? / A new wave of digital engagement / Leaving things to chance / When veneers take the edge off a smile / Gateway to the future of recruitment / Six reasons why a mobile website is right for you / Selling to a Dental Conglomerate – The Devil is in the Detail! / BDTA Showcase / Dental Tribune UK Editorial Board / Classified /
