DT UK No. 23, 2012 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK No. 23, 2012

Τελευταίο τεύχος

DT UK No. 23, 2012

News / Service above self: Dental Tribune interviews the founders of the Pain Relief Clinic in Hansali / I know a man who can...: Tim Bradstock-Smith discusses why its okay to refer key to success / Comment: Charity starts in your profession – giving is good / Comment: Unethical Advertising / LASER Assisted Open Flap Debridement – A Case Series / Patient Confidential: Jane Armitage looks at patient confidentiality in the dental practice and beyond / Information: to share or not to share? / Thinking of buying a Practice??? Some Top Viewing Tips / Investing Your Capital – Your 10-Point Checklist / London 2012 - The other big event of the year / BDTA Preview / Dental Tribune UK Editorial Board / Classified /
